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About me

My Philosophy

     After being enamored with Ricky Lake's documentary, The Business of Being Born, in 2008, I wanted to become a midwife.  I felt so deeply the calling to help women in birth the way I wanted to be a nurse, when I was just a girl.  I knew almost nothing about doulas until a complete stranger recommended that I become one.  I began researching and discovered that doula-ing is a vocation that would fit me like a glove.


     A doula is simply a servant.  The evidence says the true Greek term is "female slave".  In our modern times, a doula meets the needs of a pregnant woman and/or a woman (partners included) who has recently given birth.  She stays with the laboring mother from the start of labor until shortly after the baby is born and may also come for several postpartum visits to help with recovery so the baby and family to thrive. 


    Although, spontaneous, intervention-free birth is optimal, everyone and every birth is unique.  It is my hope that by offering love, support and information on your chosen and possible birth paths (judgement not included), I can help you have a positive experience and outcome.  


     I am not a slave, a medical professional, nor a mind reader.  I am your fellow lioness, steady comforter and calm advocate, reminding you of your desires, your rights and ensuring you know all your options so you can make the best decisions for yourself and your little one.


My Story

     When I was young, I wanted to be a nurse.  "If you can be a nurse, you can be a doctor," my mom admonished.  I didn't pursue a career in medicine. Later, I wanted to be a teacher, but was warned by my mom that "teaching is a noble profession, but there's no money in it."  Nonetheless, I taught pre-school, special education and worked as a substitute teacher for elementary and high school.  My mom wanted me to graduate from college and "get a good job with benefits".  I left college after 3 years, got my cosmetology license and became a hairstylist, nail tech and makeup artist. 


     My mom knows me better than anyone else and only wanted the best for me (still does).  She never got mad at me for not following her advice, but fully encouraged me down every path I ventured because, before I was even born, she gave me back to the Lord and trusted that He would always take care of me.


     Four decades later, I have started down a path that incorporates all the parts of me that God designed for me to share with the world.  I love to educate and empower people to make wise decisions and live optimally.  A born advocate, I have always cared more about others' well-being before my own (a balance I am still mastering).  I get so much joy from enhancing people's physical beauty, that I'll be adding skincare and makeup service to my doula practice*.


      Being a doula is a natural expression of me. I'm eager to serve God by serving others and to find my own fulfillment in the process.  One of the best parts is, my mother approves.


"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. "

-Proverbs 22:6






My Training
Madriella Doula Network

Certifed Birth Doula

Madriella Doula Network
Certifed Post Partum Doula

International Cesarean Awareness Network, ICAN


Evidence Based Birth, EBB



*coming soon

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